Issue Properties Data Center App

Simple add-on helps to track additional issue level permanent or temporary dynamic metadata or attributes in easy custom property fields e.g. Build parameters, Release, Test Case data, Integrations.

Helps to have Issue level dynamic custom fields


  • Provides REST API Services, Groovy and Python examples
  • Provides options to Clone and Move Issue properties
  • Provides Security Mask feature for property values to hide data
  • provides JQL Functions
    • issue in issuePropertyKeyValue("key", "value")
    • issue in issuePropertyKey("")
    • issue in issuePropertyAuthor("username")
    • issue in issuePropertyDate("expression", "Date")
    • issue in issuePropertySearch("")
    • issue in issuePropertyValue("")
  • Provides Workflow Conditions
    • Check if Issue Property Key and value
    • Check if Issue Property Key exists
  • Provides Workflow Validator: Issue Property Key Value Validator
  • Provides Workflow Post-functions:
    • Update existing Issue Property
    • Add New Issue Property



Go to Issue, More > Manage Properties

Note. Manage Properties option is visible only those who able to EDIT Issues



Go to logging and profiling > Default loggers > Click Configure

Add below:

Package name: com.tse.jira.issueproperties.plugin
Logging Level: DEBUG