HTTP Request Workflow post function for API Calls

HTTP Request Workflow post function for API Calls


Go to Jira project configuration ** In Workflows tab Click EDIT Icon.

In Post Functions tab section, Click Add Post Function.



Choose HTTP Request API Invoke Function and Click Add.



Configure Post Function and Click Add.

Here is example to use Issue fields in JSON payload:

{ "tracking": "{issuekey}", "team": "{customfield_10201}", "customer": "{customfield_10200}", "release": "{fixversions}", "owner": "{assignee}" }

Note. You can find custom field ID at, Issues > Custom Fields > Click Edit > You will find in URL.

Supported System fields:

summary, description, key or issuekey, type or issuetype, status, priority, components, labels, fixversions, affectsversions, assignee, reporter, environment

To generate basic access token with username and password:

$ python >>> import base64 >>> string = 'username:password' >>> data = base64.b64encode(string.encode()) >>> print(data) b'ZGF0YSB0byBiZSBlbmNvZGVk' >>> //your basic access token: ZGF0YSB0byBiZSBlbmNvZGVk



Review and Click Publish.



Transition Issue and verify if HTTP Request triggered with response notification in issue comment.