Create Google OAuth Client ID / Secrets

Create Google OAuth Client ID / Secrets


Create Google user and role with read permissions.

Skip this step if you already have Google G-Suite account with necessary permissions.


Go to, https://console.developers.google.com

Create new project Google Console Project e.g. Google API for Atlassian


Select console project, Click library and enable Admin SDK library API access


Create OAuth Client ID


Configure authorized re-direct URLs:

// For Google Groups Sync for Jira (Cloud), please use:

// For Manage Inactive Users for Jira (Cloud), please use:

// For My Directory Groups Sync for Jira Server & Datacenter, please use:
<JIRA BASE URL>/secure/AdGroupSyncAction.jspa?oauthType=google

// For My Directory Groups Sync for Confluence Server & Datacenter, please use:
<CONFLUENCE BASE URL>/plugins/ldapgroupsync/manage-ldapgroupsync.action?oauthType=google

// For Manage Inactive Users for Confluence Server & Datacenter, please use:
<CONFLUENCE BASE URL>/plugins/deactivateusers/manage.action

// For Manage Inactive Users for Jira Server & Datacenter, please use:
<JIRA BASE URL>/secure/DeactivateUserMainAction.jspa

Click on OAuth Consent Settings and authorize your Jira host domain (e.g. confluence.ilaesolution.com )


Copy OAuth Client ID and Client Secret for Google Groups Sync for Jira Plugin

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