Issue Properties Cloud App

Upgrade to latest app version 5.0.0

Helps to track additional issue level permanent or temporary dynamic metadata or attributes in easy custom property fields e.g. Build parameters, Release, Test Case data, Integrations.


  • Issue Properties can be updated through CLI or REST API.

  • Issue Properties can be visible to All project users.

    • Allows to update for users with Issue Edit issue permissions.

  • Issue Properties Workflows

    • Issue Property Condition

      • Condition to allow only if Issue property name exists / value check.

    • Update Issue Property

      • Post function to create and update issue properties.


Quick Start steps

Please see, Demo video.

Please note these special characters in property name is not supported.

# \ % ; / ?



Go to Issue and add Issue Properties Panel.

Click Update button for new property.




Go to project workflows, configure Conditions / Post functions for issue properties.




Below example to update issue properties via REST API or CLI.

Jira Cloud Issue Properties REST API documentation

Please note. For updates through REST API, Property name must starts with prefix ip- e.g.

Demo - Add or Update

curl --request PUT \ --url '' \ --user '<api_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '"<property value here>"'

Demo - Delete

curl --request DELETE \ --url '' \ --user '<api_token>'


Jira Cloud LEGACY Issue Properties REST API documentation.

Demo - Add or Update