One Login Test Cases
The base url for the API varies by region. Use the region that your OneLogin account resides in.
Generate One Login Client ID and Secrets
Go to, Developers Tab > API Credentials > Click New Credentials
Make sure to save Client ID and secrets in safe place
Name: Groups Sync for Jira Cloud
Choose Read all
Click Save.
Generate One Login Access Token using above Client ID and Secrets.
$ curl "" -X POST
-H "Authorization: client_id:*****8b97d64318fe, client_secret:*********78c4a5527ced2"
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"grant_type":"client_credentials"}'
Take note of access token for below commands.
Get Custom Attributes
$ curl -XGET -H "Authorization: bearer:*************e36a8d0e7a00bd93187defd"
Get Users by Group Attribute.
$ curl -XGET -H "Authorization: bearer:*************e36a8d0e7a00bd93187defd"
Not sure about APIs
How to get group ID by group name
How to get users by group ID
If any help from Onelogin team appreciated.