(tick) Cloud security self-assessment approved.

Simple Cloud micro service to Synchronize automatically or on-demand basis, your Google security groups membership with Cloud Jira and Confluence groups with options update, force update and append.

Use Case:

This add-on provides:

Go to Jira Settings > Apps > Manage Google Groups Sync

Click Configure Google


  1. To create google service user, see Google Service User Creation
  2. To create grant read-only privileges to service user, see Google Role Creation with Read Only Scopes
  3. To create client_id and client_secret, see How to Create Google OAuth Client (Jira Cloud)
  4. To generate Google authorization code, see How to Generate Google Authorization Code
  5. To get API token, see Jira API Token Help

Click update and Test Connection

Go to Jira Settings > Apps > Manage Google Groups Sync

Click On-demand Sync