Amazon S3 Project Files
Simple app that helps to Store, manage and centralize project related documents on Amazon Cloud AWS S3 bucket, provides issue linking and Search.
Use Case:
Upload, Link and Download Attachments on multiple Amazon S3 buckets from Jira
Attachments versioning on S3.
Beside Upload, Option to attach and detach existing AWS S3 Files on Jira.
Helps Jira Attachment Files Versioning in AWS S3 bucket
Option to link project files on issues
Option to JQL search project documents
issue in s3FileLinkSearch("")
issue in s3FileLinkSearchById("")
project in s3FileSearch("")
If your upgrading from older than version 1.2, please re-update the s3 bucket configuration.
Quick Start Steps
Go to Manage add-ons > Configure S3 Documents Bucket
Access Secret Keys are not required If you are Jira is hosted on AWS EC2.
You can attach S3 role to EC2 with read and write access
If you are bucket is on different account then use Bucket policy to grant permission to Jira Hosted account.
For Access Secret Keys two ways to get i.e.
Create IAM User through Console (Simple & easy step)
Upload or Attach existing Documents.
Attach / Link existing Amazon S3 File to Project via REST API.
% curl -u admin -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/rest/amazonawssvcint/1.0/utility/attach/document" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"bucketConfigId": 4, "projectKey": "DT", \
"documentKey": "s3://ilaesolution/documents/DT/pom.xml"}'
{"status":19,"message":"Amazon S3 File has been attached to Project. File ID #19"}
Upload new Amazon S3 File via REST API.
% curl -u admin -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/rest/amazonawssvcint/1.0/utility/upload/document" \
-H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" -F bucketId=4 -F projectKey=DT -F file=@/tmp/pom.xml
{"status":0,"message":"Project S3 File Upload Successful. (documents/DT/pom.xml)"}
To overwrite: -F updateDocument=true
Create Issue Links
JQL Search
For Debug. Go to, Logging and profiling > Default Loggers > Click Configure
Package / Class Name: com.tse.jira.projects3documents.plugin
Logging Level: DEBUG