S3 and Code Utilities REST API
Get Project S3 Documents
GET http://localhost:8080/rest/projects3documents/1.0/utility/list/documents
Query Parameters:
projectKey (String) or projectId (Number) - (Required)
documentId (Number) - Optional
search (String) - Optional
Response: [Status: 200]
$ curl -u"user:password" -XGET http://localhost:8080/rest/projects3documents/1.0/utility/list \
Attach / Link existing Amazon S3 File to Project via REST API.
POST http://localhost:8080/rest/amazonawssvcint/1.0/utility/attach/document
projectKey (String) - (Required)
bucketConfigId (Number) - (Required)
documentKey (String) - (Required)
Response: [Status: 200]
% curl -u admin -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/rest/amazonawssvcint/1.0/utility/attach/document" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"bucketConfigId": 4, "projectKey": "DT", \
"documentKey": "s3://ilaesolution/documents/DT/pom.xml"}'
{"status":19,"message":"Amazon S3 File has been attached to Project. File ID #19"}
Upload new Amazon S3 File via REST API.
POST http://localhost:8080/rest/amazonawssvcint/1.0/utility/upload/document
projectKey (String) - (Required)
bucketConfigId (Number) - (Required)
file (Blob) - (Required)
updateDocument (Boolean) - Optional
Response: [Status: 200]
% curl -u admin -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/rest/amazonawssvcint/1.0/utility/upload/document" \
-H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" -F bucketId=4 -F projectKey=DT -F file=@/tmp/pom.xml
{"status":0,"message":"Project S3 File Upload Successful. (documents/DT/pom.xml)"}
To overwrite: -F updateDocument=true
Detach Amazon S3 Document on Jira
DELETE http://localhost:8080/rest/projects3documents/1.0/utility/detach/document
Query Parameters:
projectKey (String) or projectId (Number) - (Required)
documentId (Number) - Optional