Scm Change-sets for Jira
Scm Change-sets for Jira
Provides REST API / CLI Services to visualize and store SCM Change-sets data, further integrates Jira with all the SCM systems like (GitHub, Perforce, Git, Gerrit, ClearCase, Subversion, CVS, TFS, GitLab, Bitbucket, IC Manage and Synchronicity etc.) in an organisation.
- Provides JQL Search functions
- scmChangesetSearch("")
- Supports multiple SCM systems and external jobs integration.
- Workflow Condition to check if Scm Activity exists.
- SCM Activity Tab Panel
- SCM Activity Context Panel
- SCM Tags Context Panel
- GitHub Webhook Integration
- Bitbucket Webhook Integration
- GitLab Webhook Integration
Top Users
Here is the following one step to start using the plugin:
You can start Posting SCM Change Set Data using REST API Or Hook Scripts
- SCM Activity REST API Interface or CLI
- Scm Change-sets Python Hooks or Scripts
- GitHub Webhook
- GitLab Webhook
- Bitbucket Cloud Webhook
Via Command:
$ curl -u superadmin -H "Content-type: application/json" -XPOST --data '{"issueKey":"DT-1","changeId":"100",\ "changeType":"perforce","changeDate":"2019-05-10 00:00:00","changeStatus":"submitted","changeAuthor":"john",\ "changeLink":"http://perforceweb/c=100","changeMessage":"Fixed ToolsX bug. Ref: DT-1","changeFiles":\ [{"fileName":"/depot/src/AppEntityManager.java","fileAction":"Modified","fileVersion":"23"}],\ "changeTag":"R1.0,R2.0"}' http://localhost:8080/rest/scmchangeset/1.0/changeset/activity Enter host password for user 'superadmin': {"id":4,"message":"[Info] DT-1 > 100 activity row [4] is added."}
Go to logging and profiling > Default loggers > Click Configure
Add below:
Package name: com.tse.jira.scmactivitylite.plugin Logging Level: DEBUG
, multiple selections available,
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