Email notifications on Change-set Submitted
Create 3 velocity templates for the email layout and place into the following directories:
JIRA_DIR/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/templates/email/html/changesetsubmitted.vm JIRA_DIR/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/templates/email/text/changesetsubmitted.vm JIRA_DIR/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/templates/email/subject/changesetsubmitted.vm
Download or Copy Source files from here:
Edit the JIRA_DIR/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/email-template-id-mappings.xml file to add in a new mapping. Ensure that the name of the template matches the file name above:
<!-- change-set notification event --> <templatemapping id="10001"> <name>Changeset Submitted</name> <template>changesetsubmitted.vm</template> <templatetype>issueevent</templatetype> </templatemapping>
We have created events starting at number 10001 for this example. (Note. 10001 is not event type ID)
Restart JIRA and navigate to Administration -> Global Settings -> Events to create a new event - e.g. Custom Event , and select the template you just created. (Take note of event type ID you will see in URL when it edited)
Add this new event in the notification schemes
Update above noted Changeset Submitted event type ID for SCM Activity Plugin