Common Asked Questions and Hints

On-demand Clean up timeout from UI console.

Increase proxy Idle time:

Make sure Increase proxy Idle time approx. 1h (i.e. 3600 seconds) to run long running tasks on UI like reports and on-demand clean ups.


ProxyPass        / http://localhost:8080/ timeout=3600 ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/ timeout=3600


server{    ...    proxy_read_timeout 3600;    proxy_connect_timeout 3600;    proxy_send_timeout 3600;    ... }



Confluence custom schedule settings are reverted to default

On Confluence restart, if any custom schedule settings are reverted to default but still schedule runs with default settings.

Workaround, you need to re-save the custom settings. See,



Customer #1 - Use Case and Feedback

We use manage Inactive users plugin along side with Atlassian provided SAML / SSO Plugin.

  • To deactivate users who left company in Delegated User Directory.

  • To Clean up Inactive users who are not logged in last 90 days.

  • Grant license to Inactive users who comes back on successful attempt.

Atlassian provided SAML SSO plugin with Delegated LDAP / AD User Directory On login:

  • Helps us to create new users with default group.

  • Helps us to trigger groups synchronise from LDAP / Okta.


We used manage Inactive users plugin's REST API to migrate AD Users from Company X to Company Y.

From Connector User Directory to Delegated User Directory.

Step-1, We created New Delegated User Directory.

Step-2,  Go to database updated existing connector user directory users in cwd_user, membership and group tables with delegated directory ID

Step-3, Use manage Inactive users plugin's attribute update REST API to rename username and email addresses.


We use Manage Inactive users plugin alongwith Re:Solution SAML plugin.

  • To deactivate users who left company in Delegated User Directory.

  • To Clean up Inactive users who are not logged in last 90 days.

  • Re:Solution SAML plugin helps to provision / grant license on login.


We use Manage Inactive users plugin along with MiniOrange SAML plugin.

  • To deactivate users who left company in Delegated User Directory.

  • To Clean up Inactive users who are not logged in last 180 days.

  • MiniOrange SAML plugin helps to provision / grant license on login.